
Food Matters: A Neighbourhood Approach

by Antonia Dunn on May 28, 2019

Children not eating healthy meals, childhood obesity, family food poverty and older adults suffering from malnutrition have all been highlighted in the press as major issues in communities.

Our “Food Matters: A Neighbourhood Approach” report sets out how we and partners developed a programme of activities across the life course of start well, live well and age well (including intergenerational activity) to address these community food-related concerns over the last year (2018-19).

The report demonstrates how we have:

  • * provided more people with knowledge and skills to make healthy food choices through a variety of tools
  • * increased the number of people who are now making healthy food choices from across the life course
  • * promoted a joined-up approach which has brought together a variety of partners and funding to test a different approach to  addressing food poverty
  • * supported friendships to grow within neighbourhoods

During 2018-19 Greater Manchester Food Poverty Alliance launched the Food Poverty Action Plan.  The plan sets out a vision for Greater Manchester:  “Everyone in Greater Manchester enjoys good food and a better standard of living, and they look out for each other.”    During 2019-20, Inspiring Communities Together have made a commitment to carry on our place-based approach to addressing food poverty using the GM action plan.

Read the full report here

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